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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Good Food Blog : Annie Rie blog

     As a food blogger I am definitely a second class amateur.  If you have been a past reader of this blog you know that on weekends I tend to do food related blogs.  But I have never been a single focused blog as much as I try.  My varied interest keep me blogging a wide range of topics. As much as I like talking food and sharing recipes I will leave it to bloggers like HowChow on others for more indepth and focused blogs for we foodies to follow.
    At a recent HoCo Blog party I met a fellow blogger by the name of Annie Rie and since then I have been following her food blog.  All I can say is don't read her blog hungry.  Her use of fresh foods and interesting recipes make me think of spending more time in food preparation.  If I could afford to hire a cook I think I know where I would look.  Take a look at her blog and be forwarned if you haven't eaten yet.  You can also find her on HoCo Connect as a blog I follow.

Maiwand Kabob is now open in Columbia Crossing

P.S. 1
Picked 16 pounds of blueberries yesterday at Larriland.   I have never picked blueberries before.  Picking all those blueberries only took about 45 minutes because they are so plentiful right now.


Annie Rie said...

Thank You for the Compliment!

I read HoCoconnect all the time. Although I cook well, my blog admin skills are minimal.

I need to add a blog roll. Somehow.

I love Maiwand Kabob. We went to it all the time when we lived in Harper's Choice.

Still stop by occasionally when we are in Columbia and go to BofA in the village center.

Sixteen pounds of blueberries? Wow! We only did a couple. You preserved them, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

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