The great plague of 1665 in England had one way to limit its spread---social distancing. Fast forward today and we are fighting today's pandemic with the same technique- social distancing. Isn't it time we use technology to give us a better method of avoiding Covid-19? We have test strips to tell us when a woman is pregnant. Geiger counters tell us when we are near a radioactive area. Metal detectors beep when near something metallic. Dogs apparently can sniff out cancer. Can't we develop an app on our phone that can alert us to where in our environment the Covid-19 virus is? We only have social distancing because we can't see or sense where the virus is. How do we make the virus visible? Could our smartphone beep if we got within a certain distance from the virus? Sound farfetched? Maybe not. There are some efforts to use technology to detect biological viruses. How about detecting if you have Covid-19 using an app on your phone by listening to your cough? Smartphone apps are already tracking the movements of persons who have tested positive.
Social distancing to limit the spread of the virus is like using a machine gun to kill a fly in a crowd. It may kill the fly but with a great deal of collateral damage. Smartphone technology developed to fight this virus may be the silver lining to come out of this pandemic. The energy and focus of the world's innovators may find the new 21st-century method to fight a future virus without destroying the world's economy.
IT is a fake pandemic of a very benign virus....which is cured with HCQ...zinc...vit. C....tracking people is the primary objective...along with the mark of the best under guise of concern for a dangerous virus. The people are now awake. Power to the people.
The COVID vaccine ain’t the mark of the beast the mark of the beast forces you to worship you know who and give up your religion which is not what the COVID vaccine does read bible more before you say something like that.
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