Why do we view leaves are an enemy to be attached every Fall? This past weekend was one of listening to leave blowers and watching neighbors bagging up leaves. We all selected our lots because they were some of the few lots offered in Owen Brown that had large mature trees. We all knew that this would require some work each Fall for the nice shade we had each Summer. For suburban homeowners who value their green plush grass yards removal of leaves is one of those dreaded yearly tasks. But for someone who looks at grass as the enemy, leaves are a valuable way to restore the land to the condition it was before my house was built on land that once was forest-like. If you have followed this blog you already know my bias against grass lawns.
So as an alternative to doing what many of our neighbors do, like pictured above, mulching the leaves a few times as the leaves fall is a better natural way to not kill your grass and provide so natural nutrients that is better than using the nitrogen fertilizers that harm our waterways. Most lawn mowers work fine ( mulching mowers are somewhat better and electric even better) for this if you don't wait until all the leaves have fallen down. I usually find that two or three times in the Fall works fine. I also don't need to buy all those large plastic leaf bags and expend more energy than I want to.
Fall is a good time to be good stewards of nature and the way it replenishes the earth's nutrients and not try to fight it.
Definitely not in Columbia!
I prefer to compost leaves. HoCo Rec & Parks has some awesome classes on composting and will even provide you the supplies you need to get started. We went to a class at Centennial Park about 10 years ago and have been composting leaves, grass clippings, and plant-based food scraps ever since. Great to toss all the watermelon rinds, cucumber skins, etc. off the deck and into the bin.
Granted, I have no problems composting. I live in Ellicott City, not Columbia, and I don't even have an HOA to deal with. It's a fairly small operation, but every year I produce enough compost to make my soil perfect for tomatoes, peas, cucumbers and bell peppers. Good stuff all around!
Check this out Duane. This is long overdue.
Plastic Bags:
No longer accepted for yard trim collection
Starting Monday, September 14, 2015 and continuing through the end of 2015, Howard County's Department of Public Works will phase out the collection of yard trim (leaves, grass and brush) from plastic bags. As you may be aware, collected yard trim is taken to compost and mulch facilities. At these locations, plastic bags foul machinery and reduce the quality of finished compost and mulch products. Small plastic fragments also become air- and water-borne litter. Due to these factors, regional processors, including the County's contracted yard trim processor, will no longer accept material in regular plastic bags.
I will be interested to see if my neighbor's bags are not picked up.
There's a link on that page that shows the exact date your neighborhood will no longer be allowed to use plastic bags.
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