So here Maryland voters go again watching all the candidates fawn over the voters in Iowa and New Hampshire as if they had some right to be more important than voters here in Maryland. Do you enjoy being a non-entity in our political process? After watching the 88% white voters in Iowa and 91% white voters in New Hampshire get to have a disproportionate influence on choosing Presidential candidates I wonder why we as citizens of a diverse state like Maryland haven't figured out a method to not get overlooked each election cycle? Our primary will occur on the same day as New York and Pennsylvania. Which states do you think the candidates will spend their time in? Our primary will possibly occur after the Democrat nominee is already determined.
We probably couldn't do a primary as the national political parties wouldn't sanction us moving in front of those two states. But what would stop a group like the Maryland League of Women Voters or Maryland Common Cause organizing a caucus system in every jurisdiction in Maryland to see which candidates resonate with our diverse population? We have rural, suburban and urban citizens. Caucus sites could be churches or libraries. Of course, no delegates would be awarded but only a handful of delegates are awarded in the first two states mentioned earlier so delegates are incidental in the influence of those two earlier states. What do you think would happen if a group were to organize this type of caucus in November of the year presiding the election. Don't you think that some of the candidates at least would show up at Maryland county fairs rather than all go to Iowa's State Fair? All the candidates want to get the first "bump" of the election season so why shouldn't Maryland give the Country a truly more representative result? We should we sit by tweedling our thumbs while others get the attention they don't deserve. Come on Maryland we need to take back our voice!
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