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Saturday, March 2, 2019

New Republican fear mongering

  Image result for vice president pence
   With a number of Democrat Presidential candidates supporting many progressive ideas, that have been successfully provided in other western democracies, it is not surprising that conservative Republicans like the Vice President are using fear mongering to appeal to their base.  Recently Pense said that the next election is "between freedom and socialism, between personal responsibility and government dependence."   To say that in a socialist country you couldn't have personal freedom or that providing for the common good negates personal responsibility is a false belief.  You only have to look at the latest report on how democratic countries are to see that many of the countries at the top of the list for being the most democratic are one with socialist governments.  I also wonder how Pense would propose providing a defense of our Country with all of us only taking personal responsibility for the task instead of being "dependent" on the government for this task?

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