I guess part of becoming a city is to have some of the criminal elements become a part of our town. Armed robberies are rare in Columbia but certain businesses seem vulnerable from a recent story in the Columbia Patch. Two Exxon stations were recently robbed in the early morning hours. I have frequently used the Exxon station on Snowden River because they have a M&T ATM machine there. I would never use this station after dark and that is a sad thing to say. Being afraid to go to anywhere in Columbia after dark is not something I had ever thought about in the past. Desperate people with drug dependencies have altered our habits. Maybe we will see the type of arrangements at our local 24 hour gas stations that you see in Baltimore. After dark you can't go into the gas station to pay or purchase something and the clerk takes your payment and passes your purchases through a bulletproof glass.

Um... the 7-Eleven off Columbia Rd. is still open... Still there after almost 40 years...
As I remember it this store had a night employee killed in an armed robbery a few years ago.
They did, but they didn't close as a result. So your last paragraph is incorrect.
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