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Monday, January 11, 2021

Trump described clinically

   This may explain how Trump can overlook the deaths of hundreds of thousands of his citizens to a virus or feel no shame that he instigated a riot that leads to more deaths at the US Capitol.  

Here is the clinical definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD):

The psychology world is not absolutely sure what causes a person to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) it is generally felt the development in childhood is the result of living with a narcissistic parent(s) or caretaker or a parenting style like an authoritarian. The child was damaged between the ages of 2–7 when they are developing their personality. Narcissism is a mental disorder that begins its origin in childhood but does not manifest symptoms till the early adulthood of the twenties.


As a child of a Narcissist they are most likely treated to abuse/neglect, abandonment or overindulgence when very young, people who develop NPD fail to form a core sense of self or empathy. Narcissists do not establish emotional maturity and stable identities, self-esteem, and feelings of compassion for others. Their fundamental psycho-emotional emptiness leads them to continuously seek validation externally rather than from within. Their parasitic need for validation from others exacerbates their lack of empathy, leading to highly manipulative and abusive behavior to feed their endless need for attention, admiration, power, superiority and control.


As the NPD reaches early adulthood they develop an unstable identity with a lack of self-esteem with low empathy. This results in the NPD being pathological or manipulative, exploitative, abusive personality that creates insidious devastation. People with NPD are exceptionally skilled abusers with a kind of technique that makes their abuse particularly destructive.


Those who are in a relationship with an NPD are familiar with Narcissists knowing too well their emotionally, psychologically, socially, financially and often physically abusive behaviors that surface day to day, hour to hour. For those on the receiving end, people with NPD often seem monstrous, evil and unrelenting. They cause extraordinary trauma, particularly in the lives of those closest to them, with little to no remorse but instead the belief that their behavior is justified.


Narcissists have different personalities however their abusive behavior manifests in remarkably consistent ways, including the following ways:

  1. Pitting people, particularly their family members, against one another (e.g., divide and conquer) as a means of control and to deflect blame and accountability.
  2. Refusal to take responsibility and blames the victim instead.
  3. Projection of abusive behavior and selfish motives onto others.
  4. Shaming, mocking, baiting, and ridiculing (often presented as “teasing”) to gain an advantage and feel superior.
  5. Sudden often rages with a hurricane’s ferocity which will drop you to your knees.
  6. Endless demands for agreement and NPD admiration.
  7. Inability to share attention with others, even their children.
  8. Scapegoating “loved” ones;
  9. Bragging, pathological and pathological lying, cheating, and bullying.
  10. Gaslighting which makes you think you’re crazy but it is done to control you.
  11. Entitled, arrogant abuse of those below them, such as employees, waitresses, clerks, and secretaries.
  12. Grandiose assertions of superiority, omnipotence, and perfection by wearing the “Mask of Perfection.”
  13. Indifference, impatience, anger, and disassociation with/from others’ illness, loss, misfortune, and so on.
  14. Denial, often outrageous in the face of blatant truth.
  15. Calculated charm on the surface to others in public and appalling treatment of family members behind closed doors.


Those unfamiliar with NPD and narcissistic abuse typically find it incomprehensible that a person would act that way. This is because the Narcissist’s lack of a moral compass is difficult to imagine without direct experience with it and because people with NPD generally work to present a picture of normalcy or even an ideal while wearing their “Mask of Perfection” life to outsiders. They LACK EMOTIONAL EMPATHY which makes them incapable of ever loving someone, caring about anyone or their feelings. The same is true toward their children and this is why they make hideous parents to their children. I recommend getting full custody with no visitation. They are pathological liars who do not think twice about their behaviors only to use it to get their desired outcome. Even most therapists are unschooled in NPD except for psychiatrists and its damage to those who live with Narcissists, which nearly invariably leads to C-PTSD and a host of other long-lasting emotional and health effects like stress-related illnesses like heart disease and anxiety. Other serious symptoms that show up in victims are depression and trauma bonding,


Overt Narcissists are often publicly charismatic, making their family’s abusive experience invisible to others. Covert Narcissists are expert at keeping their pathology hidden in the shadows, often presenting themselves as a devoted family member or wronged victims with outsiders unaware of their morally bankrupt behavior behind closed doors.


As a consequence, those harmed by Narcissistic abuse are further traumatized by the isolation from family and friends and self-doubt that comes with it. And they are vulnerable to any judgment and ill-conceived advice from outsiders who don’t understand and may encourage them to forgive, confront, reconcile with, or otherwise open themselves to further more abuse.


Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is a set of symptoms that some partners experience due to ongoing abuse from Narcissistic partners. Some of the symptoms one may experience when suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome may include: Fog of Confusion, anxiety, ‘loss of self’, panic attacks, depression, angry outbursts, tears; insomnia, weight gain or weight loss, obsessive thoughts, rapid heart rate, muscle aches, throwing up, stress-related illnesses, fibromyalgia, desiring death, possibly suicidal, no interest in previous interests or even loved ones, blaming self, second-guessing self, may seem desperate and trying to reach for help, fear of Narcissist annihilating them.” Abuse endured by partners of a Narcissist is often incredibly traumatic and greatly impacts one’s sense of self-worth and confidence. It will be the most insidious relationship anyone will ever experience.


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