Thursday, August 18, 2011

Vacation Envy

Am I the only one who is working through August??  I have heard stories of trips to the beach, New England, Europe and other places.  In the last month I been to Baltimore and DC on day trips---nice but not the same.  I know we are not Europe yet where everyone really does shut down for the whole month.

When we had kids and school calendars ruled our lives we would dream of vacationing off season when the prices were better and vacation spots were less crowded.  And we have started doing that.  We go to the beach in late September or early October and rent twice the house we could afford in the summer.  We also take a winter break for a week in January or February somewhere it is warmer than Columbia.  So I should be glad to have this freedom from the chains of the school calendar.  I like the new freedom all year long except August.  But in August I feel like everyone was at a great party but me. Guess I will just have to enjoy the month without many of the usual meetings and less traffic on the roads.  October is only 6 weeks away!

1 comment:

  1. Nope, you're not alone. I feel your pain. :\

    We usually do the beach in Sept, too - I love going there in the off-season, although I'm not sure about this year. Enjoy it when you get there!


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